Wishy on YouTube.
When I reviewed Wishy’s EP from last year for Pitchfork, I had a feeling—isn’t it great to feel things?—that I was writing about a band that was one EP or album away from greatness, as opposed to just being really good and hinting at greatness that would be beyond their reach. I was right! I love being right. I love being right when I want to be right. A minor spoiler: The new album out next month has many, many moments of greatness. And all those harmonies! Ugh. Bonus points for Wishy being from Indiana, my home state. If OPE! gave out ranch dressing packets as trophies for bands who made sick music and learned the right lessons from shoegaze (don’t forget the melody) and had actual drummers, Wishy would receive the finest ranch dressing packets I could find throughout the sticky dustbowl that is Los Angeles County, which will never be as good as ranch dressing from any sweaty Midwest Outback Steakhouse. The music video sucks, which is a bummer. Lack of budget or ideas? Who cares. Pick this record up in August you filthy, disgusting nerd.
-Brady Gerber